JACK-A-ROE November 16, 1993 (late) Supper Club (New York City)


JACK O'DIAMONDS perhaps late 1959
Dylan told an interviewer in 1985 that this song, learned from an Odetta LP, was part of his earliest club repertoire.


JAMES ALLEY BLUES perhaps spring 1961
Documented only on the May 1961 Minnesota Party Tape; that informal recording appears devoted to songs Dylan added to his repertoire during his early days in New York City.


JERRY perhaps spring 1960
Reported as a regular feature of Dylan's St. Paul club sets.


JESSE JAMES perhaps fall 1960
Recorded on the East Orange Tape shortly after Dylan's arrival in New York City, this song probably entered Dylan's repertoire after his return to Minnesota in the fall of 1960.


JESUS CHRIST probably late summer 1960
Recorded on the September 1960 Minneapolis tape, at about the time Dylan's devotion to Guthrie began.


Recorded on the East Orange Tape shortly after Dylan's arrival in New York City, this song probably entered Dylan's repertoire after his return to Minnesota in the fall of 1960.


JIM JONES February 5, 1993 Point Depot (Dublin)


JOHNNY B. GOODE August 3, 2003 Float Rite Amphitheater (Somerset)
Performed with the Grateful Dead. Dylan also played guitar on this song (with the Grafitti Band) during his 1987 Palomino Club walk-on..


JOHNNY I HARDLY KNEW YE probably early 1960
Recorded only on Bonnie Beecher's first Dylan home tape, generally dated to September 1960, but mentioned as a regular feature of Dylan's performances for most of the year.


JUST A LITTLE BIT October 17, 1981 Mecca Auditorium (Milwaukee)